
$75 each

Bring a friend or make new friends as you create a garden pole to spread the prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth" through art. Let Huntsville’s flora & fauna inspire your pole design or draw symbols based on your personal interests & hobbies to decorate a post that will become a garden focal point. We’ll furnish the supplies and guide you through a Peace Pole design and painting event. This workshop generally takes 4 to 5 hours to complete. This “on-request” 4-6 person workshop is generally available with a couple of week’s notice. 

Peace Pole Workshop

$150 for groups up to 6

Come as you are, paint as you can: Hosted Drawing and Painting Activities: These “en plein-air” or indoor around-the-table events will encourage folks to cultivate basic drawing & painting skills while painting seasonal trees (Spring, Summer, Winter, & Fall) on keepsake 4 X4 mini-canvases. All the supplies are furnished. Participants will sketch and paint at least one and up to four canvases. You can roam to find your subject matter or use Lynda's "go-by's."

On-Request Mini-Canvas Paint Party

$150 for groups up to 6

Let’s plan to meet at the Huntsville Botanical Garden. Will walk to a scenic outdoor picnic table to chat and draw and paint.  You’ll be responsible for the gardens entrance fee. You’ll bring a bag lunch and a drink and I’ll bring the art supplies: paper, clipboards and a variety of pencils & pins and watercolors.  We’ll sketch and color flowers til done. 

Paint Like Picasso

$25 each

Bookings possible throughout the month of September.  

Foraging for Color, Using natural inks: Learn how to use various leaves, petals, berries, juice & bark to make natural inks. This class offers a basic recipe for natural ink, provides tools for making water-based wild inks, and an opportunity to creatively experiment with handmade inks on paper.  

Foraging for Color